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club by-laws

2022 Season



2022 By-Laws



Name and Purpose



This chapter shall be called the Carolina Bassers of Harnett County



To stimulate public awareness of bass fishing as a major sport. To offer our state conservation department our organized morale and political support and encouragement. To promote full adherence to all conservation codes and to demand adequate water standards. To improve our skill as bass anglers through a fellowship of friendly exchange of expert bass catching techniques and ideas and to promote and encourage youth fishing, and a love for this great recreation.




No affiliation required.






The chapter shall begin with and maintain at least six members.



A.  Voluntarily expresses a genuine interest in membership and attend at least 1 club meeting.

B.  Membership dues for full membership and rights are $70.00 annually if paid prior to or at the regular club meeting held in November.  Dues for full membership thereafter are $75.00.

C.  Those under the age of 18 must have a parent or guardian in the club as an active full member. (Or special permission is granted by President in writing)


A.   Any action that would reflect dishonor and disgrace on the chapter.

B.   Failure to abide by the rules and by-laws of the chapter.

C.  By a 2/3 majority vote of those present at the next meeting after the motion has been made to remove a member and seconded.



Officers, Elections, and Eligibility



The officers of the chapter shall consist of:

A.  PRESIDENT: The primary function of the president is to assure proper and fair enforcement of the club’s constitution. The president presides over all meetings and all official business. Appoints all committee members and becomes an ex officio member of all committees. The president supervises all club functions and ensures that each is run properly. The president assists the activity committee chairperson with any problems that may arise. The president is governing official over any situation that may occur that is not covered by the club constitution. The president directs meetings according to parliamentary procedures so that business can be accomplished in as short a time as possible. Meetings cancelled for any reason will not be rescheduled.

B.  VICE PRESIDENT:  The primary function of the vice president is to assist the president in any function.  Acts as program chairperson and presides in the absence of the president.  This office automatically becomes a member of the tournament committee.

C.  SECRETARY:  The secretary is an elected official whose primary duty will be to assure that complete and legible minutes are kept of all meetings. Maintains and keeps accurate minutes of all regular and special meetings as called for by the chapter president. The prior meeting’s minutes will be read at each meeting for the club’s approval. The secretary will also keep up-to-date rosters and the constitution with amendments. The secretary will maintain a current and previous year score sheet standing of all members.

D. TREASURER:  Collects and disburses all club moneys.  The treasurer is responsible for ensuring that all funds are collected and deposited in a bank account established by the club or established by the treasurer if approved by the club. The treasurer will keep a record of all income and expenses in a legible and easy to read ledger with a current total balance. The treasurer will report to the club at each meeting. The report will include all transactions that have occurred from the last report and the ending account balance. The treasurer will act as the club’s collection agency for all collections. The treasurer can appoint a tournament committee member to assist in collecting tournament fees. No one will be added to the club roster or be given any tournament points until fees are collected. The treasurer will be responsible for the purchasing of all tournament and award trophies either personally or through an appointed assistant. Trophies and plaques will be purchased from club sponsors if applicable.

E.  TOURNAMENT DIRECTOR:  The tournament director is responsible for ensuring that alltournaments are carried out according to tournament rules and club by-laws. The members of the tournament committee will be assembled during the October meeting. This committee will be a minimum of three individuals, besides the president and vice president who automatically become members once elected. Responsibilities of the tournament director and committee shall consist of:

  1. Developing a tournament schedule that will be presented to the club at the November meeting for approval.  The approval process shall consist of a simple majority vote by the club members present at the meeting. Should the selected lake/date not meet with approval, alternate lakes/dates will be chosen and voted on.

  2. Through the year, the tournament director will be responsible for ensuring that the lakes are suitable for tournaments (such as lake levels, etc.) and choosing adequate landing sites. (See Article VI, Section 1, Para C)

  3. If there is a protest at a particular tournament, the committee will be the ones responsible for determining a solution and making a ruling.  All questions concerning a tournament past, present, or future, at a regular monthly meeting, will be directed to the Tournament Director who will be responsible to answer them or acquire an answer by the next meeting.

  4. It will be the responsibility of each individual to EXHAUST ALL EFFORTS to acquire a partner before asking the committee for assistance.  The committee is not required to partner everyone and to assure a ride.



The term of office for all officers and committees is for one year and shall begin at the November meeting and conclude at the following October meeting.



A.  Has been a member for at least six months.

B.  Have attended a majority of the Chapter meeting and a majority of all Chapter functions.

C.  Have shown an active interest in all chapter functions.


The elections of officers will be held in October of each year. Elections shall be by simple majority of members present. Election for each officer shall be held separately in the order listed in Article IV, Section 1.



Each full member is entitled to one vote. Proxy votes are not permitted.



Appointed Officials


The president will appoint the following officials each year. Each person will serve for one year or until a new official is appointed. The president will appoint members with concurrence of the vice president and secretary.

A.  AUDIT COMMITTEE:  The two appointed members are responsible for the accuracy of tournament scoring and club finances.

B.  SCOREKEEPER:  The scorekeeper is responsible for keeping angler point standings.  Ensures the standings are accurate and published as soon as possible.  The scorekeeper will keep records on the largest fish caught at each tournament, smallest creel, largest creel, attendance, or any other statistics that is of importance for end of year publication.  The scorekeeper will make the score sheet in three copies at the tournament, one for the secretary and one for the tournament director.


Tournament Rules and Guidelines



The tournament committee sets forth the following rules and regulations and will be responsible for the interpretation of them.


A.  PARTICIPATION:  Requirement for participation in the club’s tournament season is for the new member to attend at least one meeting prior to actual tournament participation.  Previous members from the prior season are exempt from the meeting requirement; however, they must turn in membership paperwork when paying their membership dues. Tournaments are open to Carolina Bassers Club members only, with the exception of the following: A club member in good standing may sponsor two guests per year.  They will not be eligible for points or trophies.  However, they may participant in the Big Fish pot.  


B.  TOURNAMENT CATEGORIES:  Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass and Spotted Bass.

C.  TOURNAMENT SCHEDULE:  Tournaments will normally be held regardless of weather conditions.The tournament director reserves the right to change starting times, dates, and/or locations due to unforeseen circumstances that are beyond the control of the club.  If possible, when voting for an alternative lake due to unforeseen circumstances, the club will round table where they would like to fish.The president will then call for a vote on all the places selected. The top 2 vote getters will be voted on again to get a majority vote by the club.

D.  BOATS AND MOTORS:  All boats must be properly equipped to meet existing safety standards ratings. All members must have on approved PFD and kill switch on while operating the big motor.

(Note: While not enforceable, all boats should have a properly working live well.)

E.  TACKLE AND EQUIPMENT: Fishing must be done with only one rod and reel. No live bait will be used (only artificial lures.)

F.  LATE PENALTY:  There will be a penalty of 16 ounces of the total for each (one) minute a contestant is late checking in at the close of the tournament day.  Any member who fails to check in within 10 minutes after the close of the day will not be allowed to weigh in.  Individuals arriving to the tournament site late will have two hours from the scheduled start time, to find any club member and pay their entry fees. No fishing will be done during this period of searching for a club member. Once a club member has been located, it will be the responsibility of the club member to collect the entry fees, check live wells and document the time he/she was contacted.

EXAMPLE: If a tournament is scheduled to start at 7:00 am and a member arrives at the site at 8:30 am, he/she has 30 minutes to locate a club member. If the late arrival has failed to locate a club member within the time limited, he/she will not be credited for or allowed to weigh in that tournament.

G.  SCORING:  The scoring year will begin at the November meeting for the following year.  Club members will receive 5 points for each meeting they attend.  Tournament scores will be based on the total weight in accordance with state laws.  Only bass listed in Section 1 Sub-Section B will be weighed.  Where legal, Two (2) bass can be a minimum of ten inches; the remainder must be a minimum of 14 inches.  Points will start with the first place position receiving 75 points and will decrease 1 point for each position below first place. Maximum deviation for anglers not weighing in a fish-vs-last angler to weigh-in a fish will be 5 points.   Any angler bringing more than five fish to the weigh-in site will have the entire weight disqualified from the tournament and will receive minimum points allowed for participation.  Weigh-in slips will be given to each member weighing in fish.  It is the responsibility of the member to ensure posted website score is accurate.  Club members have 30 days from the time of website posting to contact Tournament Director to contest inaccurate scores.  One time during the year tournament schedule, if an individual/individuals are unable to make a tournament (one or two day), and they pay their entree fee; will be allowed to receive points based on maximum deviation 15 points from last angler to weigh in a fish.  The individual/individuals will inform club officers at club meeting that they will be unable to fish that's month’s tournament and must prepay at meeting. 


H.  TIES:  Only 5 places for the payout. If a tie occurs, the payout/trophy will be comprised of the tying position and the next place. Tournament Sponsored cash/prizes will be divided at the discretion of the president and tournament director.


I.  PENALTY:  Violation of any rules may be cause for disqualification for the tournament and/or expulsion from the club.

J.  PROTESTS:  Protests must be made within 30 minutes after the tournament scales have been closed.  Protests must be in writing, signed, and given to tournament director or president.

K.  ADVANCE FEES: If any member pays tournament fees in advance and fails to show up, they forfeit their fees to the club.The only exception to this rule would be in personal or family emergencies or any unforeseen circumstances in which case the president and or tournament committee decides the validity of the emergency.

L.  BLAST OFF: Blast off will by numbers drawn previously.  The numbers drawn will start with the members in attendance at the meeting being drawn first (per the sign-in roster).  After all attendees are drawn then the non-attendees (remaining club members in good standing) will be drawn.  In the event that monthly meeting is cancelled, the blast off order will be conducted at tournament ramp. 

M.  PAIRINGS:  Participants may choose their own partners. Non-boaters should make sure they have a partner for upcoming tournaments.

N.  DEAD FISH PENALTY:  Penalties for dead fish will be 8 oz.

O.  FEES:  Tournament fees will be $45.00 per tournament and the member must indicate that he is in the “Big Bass Pot” (Optional - $5.00). The distribution will be $8.00 for first, $7.00 for second, $6.00 for third, $5.00 for fourth, and $4.00 for fifth for each entry paid.

P.  TOURNAMENT FISH:  All fish caught during a tournament becomes the property of the tournament director except for trophy bass.

Q.  ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES:  Alcoholic beverages are not allowed during any club function. This includes tournaments, tournament weigh-ins, and club sponsored events and fundraisers.

R.  SHARING INFORMATION:  To help improve the bass angling skills of our club members, the top five from each tournament will describe their tactics and pattern of catching their winning bag.  Specific location does not need to be mentioned, but type of structure, general location (i.e. road bed, points, up river, lower lake, etc…) and most productive lure/color will be shared with the rest of the club members at the following meeting.


Awards Presented


A.  The CHARLES R. RHODES AWARD – “MEMBER OF THE YEAR”:  This award plaque will be given in memory of Charles R. Rhodes.  The award will be given to the member who has demonstrated the most enthusiasm and participation in club tournaments, functions, and special projects.  The member of the year will be selected by the executive committee and presented by the president at the “End of Year Awards Banquet.”  Should there be a tie for this award, then both members will receive the award.


B.  The BILL PIERCE AWARD – “MOST IMPROVED FISHERMAN”:  This award plaque will be given in memory of Bill Pierce.  The award will be given to the member who has shown most improvement as calculated by the scorekeeper.   The most improved fisherman will be determined by the following:

  1. Participant must have fished a minimum of 50% of the tournaments for both this year and previous year.

  2. Total all points earned at the tournaments including the 25 bonus points for being a participant.  Do not use meeting points.

  3. Then average out the points for each tournament by taking the total points and dividing them by the number of tournaments fished that year.

  4. After doing this for both years, choose the person whose average points increased the most.


C.  END OF YEAR TROPHIES:  The club presents to the top six finishers at the year-end Banquet.  The first place finisher will receive a check for $100.00 and the “Angler of the Year” club jacket.  The second place finisher will receive a check for $50.00 and the third place finisher will received a check for $25.00.

D.  BIG BASS AWARD:  A plaque will be given to the adult member who caught the biggest bass during the tournament year.


E.  PRESIDENT’S AWARD:  The president will receive a plaque presented by the treasurer.


Interpretation, Protests, and Disagreements


All interpretations, protests, and disagreements will be brought before the executive committee for a ruling, whose decision is final. This executive body will handle all the above except in cases involving tournament rules and procedures, which lies under the tournament committee’s jurisdiction (Article IV, Section 1, Para E, Sub Section 3).



By-Law Changes


All By-Law change proposals will be brought before the club during the September meeting for discussion and voted on during the October meeting. This will ensure new By-Law changes adopted will be in effect for the coming season.  This is the only time that the club By-Laws can be changed.

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